About Us

I think you don’t really care who we are, but as part of standard procedure, we can tell you briefly that behind this project are two guys and one girl, and we are very passionate about all the material we publish on our site.

We don’t want to bow to the establishment and allow them to deprive us of the incredible knowledge found in these books. We have made an effort to put most of the banned books on our site, and we will do our best to keep them there.

We can’t guarantee that this will be the case, as there’s always a chance that they might shut us down because of this material, but we won’t give up without a fight. Our advice to you is, if you are financially able, to definitely grab some of our books or subliminals because you can’t even begin to imagine the wealth of transformative knowledge and insights waiting for you within.

Our material changes people’s lives every day all around the globe, and that truly gives us a huge boost to never give up.

Our request to you is not to talk to anyone about our website because we don’t want all of this to go mainstream.

The less people know about us, the better, because then we’re not a target for the establishment. It’s a great blessing that you’ve discovered this website, as it means you have the potential to resonate with this kind of knowledge. What we also need to emphasize is that certain books contain content that can be dangerous, so you use them at your own risk.

Our website could be shut down at any moment, so hurry and grab these books before it’s too late. It’s time for a new reality. 

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